Press Release

Uniformity and perfectly categorizable concepts that are palatable and predictable-- this is never truly the reality of life, much less of creativity. Rather, there is a complexity, a messiness in the disentanglement of artistic concepts from their context and their influences. Inherently tying each other into a mesh of other ideas and concepts.

Here lies the interest of the Entanglement exhibition hosted by Spring 2023’s New Media Arts Capstone Course, featuring work created and curated by [list of names].

The Entanglement exhibition explores the vast range of topics each individual piece uniquely touches on while emphasizing the underlying connections that exist amongst the lifestyles, experiences, lessons, and inspirations captured by our artists. It establishes that within these connections, each piece is rendered inherently intertwined and entangled with one another, becoming the nodes of the larger rhizome that is the Entanglement exhibition. This delves into the notion of linkages, of different relationships that reveal shared understandings and fragments from different stages of life, past nostalgia, current-day fears and experiences, and even future hopes and aspirations.

Our artists have created a compilation of art pieces spanning different kinds of media such as video, animation, digital interactivity, 3D rendering, and photography, which come together to create an overall arch of the changes that life brings, the entanglement of life experiences and the way each individual may interpret occurrences in their own personal lives. From topics such as finding your voice, dealing with life stressors, enjoying small and memorable moments in life, the niche experiences of childhood, the comparison of loving relationships, and more. The Entanglement exhibition will have viewers contemplating and exploring their own personal experiences as they view each and every project and the different emotions and thoughts they may evoke.

Similar to the phenomenon of entanglement in quantum mechanics, the particles have individual characteristics and hold their own importance, but they also share connections and a need that affects their functionality as a whole. The exhibition earned its name of Entanglement as the projects featured in it can stand on their own with their own individual purpose. But when viewed as a whole, they come together like missing pieces of a puzzle, or threads in a patchwork fiber, and create an interconnected network. Thus, there is a duality to the exhibition’s experience. On one hand, the viewer may approach and examine each piece individually, resulting in a narrower and more intimate perception and encounter. On the other hand, the viewer may elevate their perspective by assessing and interpreting each piece based on its closest connections, exploring the nature of those established linkages, and identifying implicit relationships.

The works in this exhibit are complex and connected, beginning as separate works that collide into an entangled group. Different mediums, different inspirations, and different people all combined into a beautiful coexistence. Spring 2023’s New Media Arts are proud to present our combined work: Entanglement!